Thursday, June 14, 2012


Welcome to The Gospel of Atheism!

This is a blog about the "good news" (gospel) about being an atheist - not adhering to theistic religious ideas, philosophies, and traditions. Here I will talk about why it's important to express atheistic viewpoints, what benefits come from such ideas, and how they apply to American society in the early 21st century.

I will be using the more common definition of "theism" as Christianity, Judaism, Islam  - technically "monotheism." This is basically the only form of theism widely practiced in the western world, and since my blog is written from an American perspective this fits my uses nicely.

I was raised in a Christian (Mormon) theistic household. My family have been Mormon since the days of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. I went on a Mormon mission to Alabama ("The Heart of Dixie") which gave me time and motivation to read and research the Bible, Book of Mormon, and other Mormon religious books. While I had always had doubts, I did not leave the Mormon church until I was sure Mormonism was false.

This blog is aimed at the non-believer - either in the "closet" or out of the "closet." Many people these days are raised without a religion, but there are also a lot of people who feel pressured by friends or family to stay in religion while not actually believing any longer. This is an understandable choice and a realistic one(and one I made myself for a few years after I stopped believing), but it causes people to remain trapped giving their time and money to churches that they don't believe in because they are threatened with the loss of all of their social support.

I hope that one day non-believers do not have to fear being discovered. That non-religious people could stand up and express how they feel and not be labeled "lazy," "apostate," or "infidel." (Or at least that these terms would lose their pejorative sense.) Many friends of mine who left their religion have also lost friends and family. The popular view of non-religious people as "bad" or "evil" needs to be as socially unacceptable as other foolish ideas such as the idea of certain ethnicities as being less human and homosexuality as being deviant.

I would like this blog to provide comfort and validation for those who want to justify their choice to not believe in theism any longer. There are many good reasons to choose secularism over religion. Leaving theism makes it easier to embrace modern ethics and scientific understanding of life, our world, and the origin of the universe. Modern scientific knowledge give us a much richer, complex, and beautiful picture of the world around us.

Another positive thing about leaving behind religion is letting go of the idea of an afterlife. This helps to develop a deeper appreciation of the short time we have in this world and elevates the value placed on the lives and happiness of our fellow humans and animals. 

As an atheist I believe it is important to stand up against religious organizations and out-dated idiologies which try to force their beliefs others in our society. Religious freedom is as important for non-believers as it is for the believers. Religion belongs in churches or private homes, not in schools or legislation. As more and more scientific knowledge disproves religious ideas about the world there is a backlash against science, but this cannot be respected, let alone tolerated. 

When I left religion behind I said one final prayer saying I would always be open to any evidence or signs that God is real, and I still stand by that. I welcome comments about gaps in logic or errors in facts presented, but I hope that any feedback will be respectful.


  1. Your title does imply atheism is a religion and/or a worldview, which I would argue it is neither. But the post does come from the heart and your decision to go more public with what needs to be said is commendable. Good for you.

    1. Thank you for your comment and encouragement, John! Much appreciated.

      The title "Gospel of Atheism" was chosen for a few reasons. First, that there are many positive aspects of atheism that many people don't take the time to think about. The word "gospel" was chosen for its original meaning of "good news" or "glad tidings" and also an attempt to reframe a secular connotation to the word. Also, I thought the name was a fun, catchy, and slightly provocative.

      I agree that atheism is not a religion, but it IS an attribute (and an important one in my opinion) of many types of world views. I also feel it is a valid response to the most common religious question - "What religion are you?"

      When most Americans ask what religion you belong to, they really mean "What monotheistic religion do you belong to." The response of "I am an atheist" is the best way to communicate that you do not belong to any of them. Of course a follow up answer to clarify is always best and, in my case, would be that I am a secular humanist.

      It seems so easy for someone to misunderstand that "Humanism" or "Stoicism" is not just some obscure theistic sect. Words like "secular" are helpful, but they indicate an absence of religion, rather than mearly a disbelief in specific populous ideologies implied whenever talking about religion in America.

      I believe many people who have an atheistic world view try to distance themselves from the term "atheism" because of the negative connotations placed on it by religions. Avoiding the term can lead to confusion and misunderstanding about what your non-theistic philosophies are. Most people in America really don't know much about THEIR OWN religion, let alone other religions. (Perhaps because the more you learn about theistic religions the more you realize they're purely mythological?)

      In this blog I am attempting to establish that you don't have to give up spirituality to be an atheist. You just have to reject a theistic view of god. For example, many budahists could say they are atheist. Or if someone believes in crystals or that "the universe" speaks to them somehow is also an atheist. I would argue that deists and pantheists are also closer to atheists than theists in their view of god. (i.e. that their idea of a non-meddling or non-personal god is closer to "no god" than an "allpowerful god.") Deism, in a sense, is basically atheism with someone having pressed the button for the Big Bang.

      I feel very strongly that a lot of the political might behind religiously motivated legislation is partly a numbers game. The more people identify themselves in polls and censuses as believing in god, the more politicians listen to religious leaders.

      With this blog I want to help remove the stigma associated with the word "atheism." I want to help people find the courage to stand up and be counted as athiest if that is how they really feel. Euphamisms such as "non-religious," "secular," "brights," etc. are all less precise and send the message that there is something wrong with saying you subscribe to a worldview that happens to be atheistic (as all secular and non-religious viewpoints are).
